Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Yet again I am stuck in the middle of payout processor problems with the major poker sites. It wasn't what three years ago when I had a huge amount stuck in neteller right? Well now I am getting checks that are bouncing from FTP and Stars, FTP was nice and at least gave me a bonus I guess. Too most this is not a big deal, to me it is huge considering I have a pretty large sum of money out there floating in the internet toooobs...... This is really it this time though, I am emptying everything (if I ever can). Our government is really out to get internet gambling, apparently there is nothing else going on in our country right now that requires attention? I am not playing a hand of poker until I get all or at least most of my money off line. Just thinking about poker tilts me so hard right now. There is not a chance I could play smart right now being tilted before the first shuffle.....


Memphis MOJO said...

I read your blog piece with interest.

There was an article in the Memphis Commercial Appeal, the major newspaper in our area, that addresses this. I posted snippets from the article which you may be interested in reading:


Memphis MOJO said...

This link to a NY Times article explains why your checks have bounced:


Memphis MOJO said...
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Gnome said...

Just use the "Bank Wire" option. I made a request over the weekend, and the money is in my bank this morning.

Chad C said...


I used bank wire for whatever was left on FTP and it is there this morning as well. Unfortunately Stars wouldn't let me use bank wire until yesterday, so I did that, but still have some large amounts in checks coming from them that will probably bounce :(